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Carpet cleaning business plan pre written

Sample Business Plan pre-written –
All you have to do is look at how other business’s plan
and use this to open a business or improve
START Making money today......
using microsoft excel spreadsheets
with a simple budget - charts not included with plan
1. Pre - Written SAMPLE Business Plan, with market info and industry statistics, NO KIDDING this business plan was written for a real business
2. Real names and cities not used in plan, however these are actual business plans.
All you need to do is research the info on your biz and fill in the blanks or use the prewritten business plan as a guide, easy to use and follow.
Preferred Format - Pro_BUSINESS_ PLANS is based on a business plan format recognized by banks, lenders, investors, and the SBA.
Expert Analysis - The Plan Review feature checks your own work for accuracy and your plan for completeness.
PRO_Plan Wizard - The Wizard makes it a snap to get started. Simply answer questions to create your business plan, keeps plan organized.
Help and Support - Instructions and examples for every step plus excellent phone and email technical support.
Industry Profiles - Pro_BUSINESS_ PLANS gives you more industry information than any other business planning software.
Advanced Export Tools - Export to MS Word®, MS Excel®, MS PowerPoint®, PDF and HTML. Export your plan to these common formats for additional formatting and presentation options.
"No business plan software can match pro_bussiness_plans for its navigational ease, customizability and superb integration." - Management Magazine
"With pro_bussiness_plans you will learn things about your business that will reward you many times your purchase price." -
"I just thought that you would like to know that our plan was successful and enabled us to raise $250,000 in financing - most with a major bank (not an easy sell, considering that I am an mechanic). Great software." - Jeb Bash - Miami Auto Service
"pro_bussiness_plans helped me raise the equity for a $5 million start-up venture. If you're writing a business plan, stop wasting your valuable time reinventing the wheel and trypro_bussiness_plans " - Alex Nubaumer
"After a brief look at the plan I can't help but smile as this is exactly what I needed, a lot of the text used will have to be adapted to our situation but overall it is the best looking plan to move my project forward that I could have ever imagined. As soon as this plan is finished and translated I will give you a copy so you can look proudly at what we will accomplish with it."
"These plans will help me tremendously in the initial stages of my planning"
"Thanks, I think this will do wonders for me. I am glad to have found your service I will tell a lot of folks about you!"
"Thank you so much. We will be using your services again in the future."
"Thank you for a very fast response (I am impressed!)."

Carpet cleaning business plan pre written