Quiet Electronics Moderated Newsgroup For The Electronic Professionals and Other Professionals   >   Idaho   >   Real mechanical 12 volt siren fire rescue style loud

Real mechanical 12 volt siren fire rescue style loud

This is a genuine "Smokey" brand (model is 'Stowaway') high-output 12-volt mechanical siren. *** BRAND NEW! ***
NOTE: This is not an electronic 'siren' that 'sounds' like a mechanical siren .... it's a REAL MECHANICAL SIREN. It's sound is like that of the siren you heard on the General's Jeep on the TV program 'M*A*S*H', on the fire engines in TV programs like 'Green Acres' and 'Emergency' or on the police cars in programs like 'Highway Patrol' and 'Dragnet', etc. It is not electronic like today's police alert systems, but has that rich, loud 'air raid' siren quality. NOT A CONTEMPORARY LAW ENFORCEMENT DEVICE.
CAUTION: Always wear ear protection when installing/testing this device. This device produces volume of sound that can harm hearing in humans and pets. Please know and obey local ordinances regarding the use of devices like this one.

Real mechanical 12 volt siren fire rescue style loud