Quiet Electronics Moderated Newsgroup For The Electronic Professionals and Other Professionals   >   Kentucky   >   Number 9 cobalt M42 hsc drill bits sheet metal drills

Number 9 cobalt M42 hsc drill bits sheet metal drills

Here we have 6 NEW sheet metal drills size #9 decimal is .196" US MADE BY Precision Twist Drill Co.
They are 3.875" long, and have 2.25" of flute length.
These have a little different tip than typical drills, there is an actual sharp point tip in the center to keep it from wandering, as soon as it starts the outside edges start to cut, then lastly the distance between the center and the outside edges will cut, there is a concave radius between each edge and the center, they are really unique and work great.
If you need a specific size of anything just ask.
If in Michigan add 6% sales tax. Thanks!

Number 9 cobalt M42 hsc drill bits sheet metal drills