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Magnet strong 1 3/16" surplus magnets for oil filter

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- - - -1 .works great!!! go magnets!
- - - -2. Very strong but small magnet.
- - - -3. Works well and easy to take with you!
Filters on automobiles do not filter out all of the iron that is worn off the inside of your engine.
You could get 1000's of miles more out of your engine if the minute particles of iron that have been worn off could be removed from your oil.
Also to be used on tractors, bulldozers, backhoes, large compressors, cranes, welders, and all types of gasoline or diesel engines that have oil filters.
If the filter is so fine that it could remove all of the debris that is worn off your engine, the oil would not be able to get thru your oil filter.
A magnet will catch even the smallest iron that is worn off the inside of your engine.
The magnet will catch the iron debris and not let it just keep circling back thru your engine to act as an added abrasive to put more wear on your engine.
This magnet is government surplus.
I don't believe they have ever been used.
These are the strongest magnets I have ever had that are concave and fit right onto an oil filter.
These magnets are so strong that I have to put something in between them that is non-magnetic because they are too hard to get apart when they get stuck together.
Keep them apart. If they get together, you will have a tough time separating them.
This magnet is made concave or in a curve and it fits your oil filter perfectly.
Magnet is 1 3/16" by 1 3/16" and is approximately 1/8" thick.
The magnet will not lose it's strength and it will not wear out.
When you change oil, remove the magnet from the old filter and place it on the new filter.
I was rolling my power plant thru the grass to the back yard the other day and the wheel fell off. The little "C" retainer that holds the wheel on had come loose and fallen into the grass. There was no way to see the little bitty part, but I got a magnet and quickly retrieved the part. The part may not have cost but 50 cents, but it would have meant a trip thru heavy traffic to the hardware store and back.
Satisfaction guaranteed or your purchase price will be cordially refunded upon return of merchandise.

Magnet strong 1 3/16 Magnet strong 1 3/16